Sabtu, 16 Januari 2016

What does cholesterol do in the body

What does cholesterol do

What does cholesterol do to your body Cholesterol is a substance whose function is essential for. Actually, this substance is a fatty substance known as a lipid. The main producers of these substances is breathtaking, but lipid can also come from food. Lipid levels are too high, called hyperlipidemia, can affect health conditions.

Although high cholesterol does not cause any symptoms, but can still be dangerous to health.
Proteins contain and bring in cholesterol in the blood. The combination of these two substances called lipoproteins. Liporotein divided into two, namely the protective lipoprotein or good cholesterol (HDL) and lipoprotein dangerous or bad cholesterol (LDL).

HDL or high density lipoproteins called good cholesterol because HDL transports cholesterol from the cells and back to the liver. In the liver, cholesterol will be destroyed or removed by the what does cholesterol do to your body  through feces.

While LDL or low density lipoprotein is the opposite of HDL. LDL transports cholesterol from the liver to the cells that need it. If the number exceeds the required cholesterol, cholesterol then it will settle on the walls of arteries and cause disease. LDL is known as bad cholesterol.
Cholesterol levels in the blood suggested could vary, depending on whether the person has a higher risk or lower for diseased arteries. The amount of cholesterol in the blood can be measured by a blood test.

According to WHO data, approximately 35% of the Indonesian population have higher cholesterol than normal.

What does cholesterol do in the body

Cholesterol can be deposited on the walls of the arteries,
what does cholesterol do to the heart , what does cholesterol do for the brain, and other body parts can be inhibited. So high cholesterol increases the person's risk of narrowing of the arteries, or atherosclerosis, blood clots in certain parts of the body, stroke, both small and great, and what does cholesterol do to the heart attacks.
High cholesterol levels can also cause pain in the front part of the chest or the arm (angina) when someone is stressed or perform physical activities. Besides high cholesterol also increases a person's risk of coronary what does cholesterol do to the heart disease.

If you do not change your diet and do not stop smoking, high cholesterol patients will be at risk of stroke or what does cholesterol do to the heart disease. On cigarettes found a chemical called acrolein. These substances can stop the activity of good cholesterol or HDL to transport fat to the liver. The result can occur narrowing of the arteries or atherosclerosis.

In addition, patients risk also increases if he is suffering from hypertension, diabetes, or have relatives who suffer from what does cholesterol do to the heart disease or stroke.

High cholesterol can also be caused by a condition that comes from the descendants known as familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH). Cholesterol sufferers of this condition of high despite eating healthy foods.

The dangers what does cholesterol do cholesterol High cholesterol can lead to:

  1. Atherosclerosis - a narrowing or hardening of the arteries.
  2. The risk of coronary heart disease is higher - abnormalities of blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen charge to the heart
  3. Heart attack - occurs when the blood supply and oxygen to an area of ​​heart muscle is blocked, usually by a clot in a coronary artery. This causes the heart muscle stops.
  4. Angina - chest pain or discomfort that occurs when what does cholesterol do to the heart muscle does not get enough blood.
  5. Stroke and mini-stroke - occurs when blood clots or venous diarteri, thereby disrupting the flow of blood to the what does cholesterol do for the brain  area. Can also occur burst blood vessels, so that brain cells begin to die.
If high blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, the risk of coronary heart disease also increased significantly.

Should do the examination cholesterol levels

Someone suggested checks cholesterol levels in the blood if she is overweight, have high blood pressure, diabetes diseased, or have other illnesses that may increase cholesterol levels.
Diagnosis cholesterol levels is also recommended if a person has close relatives who suffer from diseases caused by cholesterol, or a close relative with a history of cardiovascular disease at an early age.

For those who have ever been diagnosed to have coronary heart disease, minor stroke, or peripheral arterial disease will also be advised to do these checks.

How to prevent or reduce levels of cholesterol.

To prevent what does cholesterol do to body

  1. Nutritionally balanced eating healthy foods is a major step that can be done to prevent or reduce cholesterol. The fat content in the diet should be low. Try to replace the consumption of foods containing saturated fats with fruits and vegetables, and whole grains (cereal grain).
  2. By doing so, the cholesterol levels in the body will remain low.
  3. Healthy lifestyle can also give a big change. An example is by not smoking or immediately begin to exercise regularly.

If the suggestions above have not been able to lower your cholesterol levels and risk of heart disease still lurk, you should consult a doctor. Doctors usually will give you a prescription treatment with cholesterol-lowering drugs such as statins.

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