Selasa, 12 Januari 2016

Most Powerful Plants to Treat Diabetes (I)

Treatment of Diabetes

Treatment of Diabetes
Diabetes is a disease caused by diabetic patients are not able to control sugar levels in the blood. There are some signs and symptoms that are often experienced by people with diabetes symptoms such as, frequent thirst, weight decreased dramatically, frequent fatigue, blurred vision, wounds that are difficult to heal, dry skin and itching.

In general, there are several types of diabetes is diabetes symptoms type one or more often called the dry diabetes. Diabetes often affects children through adolescence. Type one diabetes causes the body can not produce insulin. While the second type of diabetes symptoms or wet type is more often experienced by the elderly person of 40 years and above. Although this second type can still produce insulin, but this type can also lead to other diseases such as stroke. In addition to seeing a doctor, you can take advantage of such natural herbs for diabetes symptoms.

Normally, the body requires a material that can form new cells and replace damaged cells. And besides, the body also need energy to cells in the body to work properly. and in humans, the material obtained from the food we consume daily. Consisting of carbohydrate, protein, and fat. In addition, food processing usually starts from the mouth and afterwards to the stomach and then into the intestines. And in the digestive system, then the food is broken down into the basic ingredients of the food. Carbohydrates into glucose, and proteins into amino acids, and fats into fatty acids. In order to serve as fuel, then the substance must enter into the cell beforehand in order to be processed properly. and within cells, the substance was the most important meal is burned through a glucose metabolic system, and the final result obtained is the emergence of energy. And in this process of metabolism, insulin play an important role as a duty to incorporate glucose into the cells, and then subsequently used as fuel.

Carbohydrate is in the diet will then be absorbed by the small intestine in the form of glucose. Blood glucose that exist in the human body and then converted into liver glycogen and muscle by insulin. And conversely, if the liver glycogen or muscle is also used, broken down again and into glucose and adrenalin. If the levels of insulin in the blood is reduced, blood glucose levels will exceed the number of normal, and will eventually lead to high blood sugar hyperglycemia.

Insulin issued pancreatic beta cells can be described as a key that can open the door entry of glucose into the cells, and then intracellular glucose is then metabolized to energy. And if there is no insulin, the glucose can enter the cell. This will result in glucose remains in the blood vessels, which means levels in the blood will increase. And in these circumstances, the body will feel weak due to the lack of energy in the cell. This is what happens in diabetes mellitus type 1.

As for diabetes mellitus type 2 insulin levels may be normal or even more, but the amount insuln receptors on the surface of cells decreased. And insulin receptors which can be described as a keyhole to get into the cell. And in these conditions, the amount of insulin receptors but still much less than the glucose enter the cells become less so that the cells will experience a shortage of glucose and glucose in the blood vessels will increase.

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