Kamis, 28 Januari 2016

Fresh fruit store who sell benefit Avocado

Fresh fruit store at city

Avocado fruits in Indonesian dictionary called Nutrition in avocado fruit is derived from the English name: Nutrition in avocado fruit. Fruit of the genus Persea Lauraceae family has a Latin name Persea americana. This fruit comes from Central America and Mexico, but now quite a few are cultivated as a crop monocultures or perkarangan home in tropical regions such as Central America and South America.

Name nutrition in avocado fruit or nutrition in avocado fruit was first said by residents of the Aztec tribe who live in areas of Central America and Mexico. This plant was introduced to the people of central Europe of the 16th century by Martin Fernandez de Enciso, a leader of the Spanish forces during colonial Central America. From there the familiar nutrition in avocado fresh fruit store fruit Indonesia since the Dutch colonial period many shipments of fruit for the purpose of chitterlings.

In the world of the apparel industry, part of an nutrition in avocado fruit seed is processed into dye clothes that do not easily fade. While part trunks ordinary combustible dried and ultimately used as fuel by the villagers. In the bark there is a compound that will provide brown color of a material fresh fruit store or substance, usually a company engaged in manufacturing leather products utilize the bark as brown coloring.

In the pharmaceutical world, nutrition in avocado fruit leaf has long been used as a herbal medicine for treating bladder stones, nerves and stomach pain, headache, high blood pressure,  fresh fruit store airways and irregular menstruation. While the seeds are often used as a clothing dye can also be formulated as a cure toothache and diabetes.

Experts also often carry out a series of studies or research on nutrition in avocado fruit flesh or skin and seeds to maintain health, prevent disease, fresh fruit store and minimize the risk to the health problems of the human body.

Here are the results obtained from banyapenelitian which has been conducted by scientists to find whether it really saved a lot of important nutrients that bring the benefits of nutrition in avocado fruit for health.

1. Accelerate Absorption Nutrition

Based on a study conducted several years ago revealed the news that certain nutrients that enter the body can be absorbed better, faster and much more effectively when eaten in conjunction with nutrition in avocado fruit.

As proof, again a research conducted to ascertain the truth of the matter. Two people eat salad, one of which included nutrition in avocado fruit fresh fruit store while the other is not, after checking it is true of the people who ate a salad in which there are nutrition in avocado fruits helps the absorption of nutrients five times better than those who do not.

2. Maintain Eye Health

The content of lutein in nutrition in avocado fruits are the fresh fruit store highest levels of lutein compared to other fruits equally have the privilege to sustain human health. fresh fruit store fresh fruit store Lutein is part of the carotenoid that is naturally produced in the chloroplasts and chromoplasts of plants. Lutein is responsible for maintaining the health of the power of human vision. Research also suggests that high levels of lutein in nutrition in avocado fruits can minimize the risk of disorders of the eye particularly macular degeneration and cataracts.

3. Inhibit Cancer Cell Growth

According to doctors, in every human body there are cancer cells that someday could grow, depending on the health condition of their bodies and how to maintain one's health condition remains stable. fresh fruit store While the connection with nutrition in avocado fruit is with the help of some of the compounds contained in it can inhibit cancer cells as well as the search for new cancer cells arise and so found immediately destroyed without adversely affect the cells of other active health.

4. Lowering Cholesterol

Diseases such as Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), Xanthomas and heart failure is a type of disease that will infect a person if the levels of bad cholesterol in the body exceeds the amount of HDL (good cholesterol).  fresh fruit store The bad knowing that eventually the experts conducted a study of 45 people with high LDL number to be governed eat nutrition in avocado fruit within one week. As a result they are actually eating an nutrition in avocado fruit routine within a week decreased cholesterol by 17% without reducing cholesterol levels is good for the survival function of the heart organ.

5. Source of Antioxidant Glutathione

Glutathione or abbreviated as GSH is the mother of all kinds of antioxidants. Cells in the body are very hopeful on the performance of this master antioxidant. One of the benefits of GSH is an anti-aging by increasing collagen content in the body, especially the skin, thus minimizing wrinkles on the face and other body parts. fresh fruit store Independent quoted from the site, the nutrition in avocado fruit is a fruit of a row of the main sources of glutathione. Another name that is present is asparagus, spinach, and broccoli vegetable. All fresh fruits and vegetables can increase the levels of glutathione, particularly vegetables such as cabbage, bean sprouts, and cabbage. You can also make mixing nutrition to gain more leverage glutathione. For example, to enjoy dinner with salad vegetables, eggs and nutrition in avocado fruit juice.

6. Containing Potassium

Potassium belong to the mineral used by autonomic nerves control heart rate, brain function, and other important physiological processes. Fruits that contain potassium predicted for this is bananas, but the facts prove that turns nutrition in avocado fruit contains more potassium than bananas. Approximately two-fold (975 mg) contains more potassium than a banana nutrition in avocado fruit.

Efficacy nutrition in avocado fruit because of high potassium include:
Lowering high blood pressure
Helps reduce exercise-induced muscle pain or sports, such as long-distance running and fitness
Maintaining the stability of the fluid, electrolyte and acid-base in the body

7. High Protein and Unsaturated Fatty

Nutrition in avocado fruit store about four grams of protein in one fruit. The figure could supply the daily protein requirement of the human body. In addition, there are also good fats that can replace your favorite foods are in fact many contain bad fats and cholesterol triggers the disease. You can eat the nutrition in avocado fruit as a substitute for animal protein such as eggs each morning. fresh fruit store According to the USDA MyPlate and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, nutrition in avocado fruits provide amino acids whose role is similar to potassium. Which helps build and maintain muscle and body tissues.

8. Maintain Eye Health

Nutrition in avocado fruits contain lutein. Lutein What is it?
Lutein is a natural antioxidant that may help maintain eye health as we age.
Quoted from Nutrition in avocado fruit Central, lutein can not be synthesized by the body. So it is necessary intake of lutein from outside for fulfillment. But the good news arises, that the nutrition in avocado fruit into a solution of this problem. You can get more lutein than nutrition in avocado fruit. About 81 micrograms of lutein stored in one ounce of nutrition in avocado fruit.
fresh fruit store A study showed that lutein proved to be concentrated in the macula that can help keep your eyes eyesight in order to remain healthy even in old age. So, if you want to remain normal to see the beautiful natural gift from God, then treat eye health by regularly consuming nutrition in avocado fruit.

9. Very Good for Babies and Breastfeeding

As we know that the nutrition in avocado fruit flesh is so soft that toddler-was no trouble when taking them. Provide healthy intake at an early age is the right step to create the next generation of healthy and smart. As parents, it certainly must think about the future of the child. Therefore, starting with the selection of healthy nutrition carefully, Give the child healthy nutrients from the food that will be used as a favorite, like an nutrition in avocado fruit.

Do not be too 'fed' on the pretext that like, but do it slowly. If the baby is getting fed porridge eating nutrition in avocado fruits, you can search for recipes make healthy food made from nutrition in avocado fruit complementary.

Here is a recipe creations nutrition in avocado fruits for baby:
Prepare 1/8 ripe nutrition in avocado fruit and fresh, mashed banana (can be replaced with pears), and yoghurt baby any flavor.
In a small container such as a plate, mashed nutrition in avocado fruits with other fruits, pour the yoghurt and stir.
Serve when the lamp of the heart was playing.

10. Maintain Weight

You are running low calorie diet? Add nutrition in avocado fruit into your daily menu.
Nutrition in avocado fruit Central explained that the process of weight maintenance can be assisted with nutrition in avocado fruit. The reason is because it is free of cholesterol and low in calories, as well as the presence of good fruit to the diet can replace other sources of fat. When consumed, nutrition in avocado fruits will distribute about 20 vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that support the Phy-low-calorie diet of a person.

If you are a man who is focused to lose weight, Collaborate nutrition in avocado fruit and eggs. Make egg and nutrition in avocado fruit juice as friends breakfast. Eggs will contribute high-quality protein that is ready to encourage repair and growth of muscle tissue. While 8% of the nutrition in avocado fruits provide monounsaturated fat your daily, approximately 3 grams.

Minggu, 24 Januari 2016

Herb as medicine and benefit in use

Herb as medicine and Benefit

Although the technology is now more advanced and the development of this type of medicine is getting better, the reality of drugs derived from natural products or commonly referred to as herbal medicines are increasingly used to treat various diseases and become one of the alternative healing the most popular.

Many are using herbal medicine on the grounds that herbal remedies are safer than the chemical drugs, and the country's most famous alternative pengyembuhan using herbal medicine is Chinese.

As we all know that herbs have helped heal many people with different diseases, although some of these drugs have no therapeutic claims, herbal medicine is still the primary choice as most drug safe and effective for use. However, we should consult their doctor before deciding to take one of the herbal products.

We are lucky to live in Indonesia because this archipelago land provides so many plants with the potential to address a variety of health concerns.

Herbal plants are very easy we Meet in Indonesia because our country has a tropical climate, herbal Understanding, or herb in English, according to Wikipedia is a plant or plants that have the purpose or value in the treatment. In other words, all kinds of plants that contain the active substance or substances which are useful as therapeutic could be classified as an herb. Herbal sometimes also referred to

Name of medicinal plants, so that the development included as part of one form of alternative medicine. Substances or materials contained in herbal turned out to be very useful for improving the health of humans who consume them. Moreover, a number of findings and laboratory test results the more complete repertoire of the benefits of various types of herbs.

Excess Medicinal Herbs

1. Not Cause Side Effects

Herbal medicine really is a natural product that has been available in nature. The drug treatment was done naturally, even traditional, without mixing chemicals or synthetic. For that reason, it is certain that the herbal medicines have absolutely no side effects so it is very safe to use.

2. Easy Produced

Herbal medicine is a drug which is produced from simple processing multiple parts of plants, such as roots, tubers, fruits, flowers, bark and other plant parts. The process is fairly simple to make herbal medicine processing do not require sophisticated technology and great research capital.

3. Non Toxic

Chemical drugs or pharmaceutical drugs are toxic so it should not be taken arbitrarily. However, there are different from herbal medicine. Ie, free of toxins. Thus, herbal medicine is very safe to be consumed by anyone. In fact, herbs can be used as a laxative toxins in the body or detoxification.

Curable diseases herbal

  1. Piles - Anemia - Angina Seizures Heart - Anti Aging - Arthritis - Arthritis - Stomach Acid - Uric Acid - Asthma - Asthma Natural - Asthma With Herbs - Asthma In Herbs - Asthma Best - Asthma Trusted - Asthma Traditional - Asmatis Allergy - Asmatis Bronchitis - Asthma - Autism Autism - Ageless - Ayan Epilepsy
  2. Shoulder Pain - Gallstones - Kidney Stones - Chronic Cough - Paralyzed Next Bells Palsy - Lump Cancer Tumor - Hard Bloody stools - Bronchitis - Bronchitis - Discard Implant - Color Blind - Partial Color Blindness
  3. Chicken Pox - Worms - Fluid In Head - Measles - How Medicine - Colon Cancer - Dialysis
  4. Low Blood - Blood Pressure - Fever - Dengue - Depression - Dermatitis - Diabetes Diabetes - Diarrhea - Dysmenorrhea Painful Menstrual Time - Down Syndrome Toddlers
  5. Eczema - Bile - Ephisema Lung - Epilepsy, Fatique
  6. Kidney Failure - thyroid Gland Disorders - Disorders Being Smooth - Eye Disorders - Menstrual Disorders - Digestive Disorders - Hearing - Assimilation System Disorders And Disposal - Gastritis - Ear Drum - Glaucoma - Struma Mumps - Mumps - Gonorhoeae GO
  7. Irregular Menstruation - Halitosis - Heart - Heart Liver - HB Down Or Up - Headache - Hemorrhoids - Hepatitis - Hepatitis BC - Hepatoblasma - Hernia - Hernia Hernia - Herpes - Hypertension Hypertension - Hypoglycemia - Hypotension - Hipovitaminosis - HIV - Hyper Pigmentation - Hyper Sex - Hypertiroid - Hypervitaminosis
  8. Impotence - Urinary Tract Infections - Infertility - Influenza - Weak Memory - Insomnia
  9. Pounding heart - pounding heart - heart Koroners
  10. Bladder - Cancer With Herbs - Liver Cancer - Bladder Cancer - Cancer Gynecology - tongue cancer - Cancer Eye - Brain Cancer - Brain Cancer Large - Pancreatic Cancer - Lung Cancer Lung - Breast Cancer - Breast Cancer Natural - Breast Cancer In Herbal - Cancer Breast Traditionally - Cervical Cancer - Cancer rectum - Cancer Testis - Colon Cancer - Colon Cancer - A Case of Household - Cataract - Failure Kidney Function - Fatigue - Fatigue Acute - Gland Thyroid Thyroid - Bloating - Got Drugs - Taxable Witchcraft - Urinary Stone - Diabetes Diabetes - Diabetes Stuffy - Whitish pektay - Poisoning - bone loss - balance Missing Vertigo - Sprain - Tingling - Trance - Fear - Tension Muscle Strain - Underdevelopment Mental - Drug Addiction Drugs Medical - Special Gallstones - Kista - Kista In Anus - Kista Heart - Ovarian cysts in - Kista in Chief - Cysts in the breast - Cysts in the uterus - ovarian cysts - High Cholesterol - Hard stools Constipation - Eye Cornea Damaged - Kudalini Syndrome - Less Blood - Less Fertile

Jumat, 22 Januari 2016

High bad cholesterol and high good cholesterol with Alang Alang

Alang Alang

(Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv.)

Synonym :

Lagurus cylindricus L., Imperata arundinacea Cirillo.

Description: Herbaceous, grass, creeping, 30-180 cm tall. Trunk: rhizome, creeping underground stems erect form a single inflorescence, solid, in his sparse hair.

Leaf: single, base each closing, blade; Ribbon-shaped, sharply pointed tip, straight, rough, sparse hair, size 12-80 cm. x 35-18 cm.

Flower: arrangement of grains compound compound, slightly tapered, 6-28 cm long, each branch has two ears, branches 2.5-5 cm, peduncle 1-3 mm, gluma 1; ciliated tip, veins 3-6, Lemma 1 (chaff); ovoid wide, short ciliary 1.5-2.5 mm. Lemma 2 (chaff); elongated, tapered 0.5 to 2.5 mm. Palea (husk); 0.75 to 2 mm.

Stamens: anthers 2.5-3.5 mm, white, yellow or purple. Pistil: stigma shaped chicken feathers.

Fruit: type of rice.

Seed: elliptic, length of 1 mm.

Flowering time: January to December.

Regional distribution, Habitat, and Aquaculture: In Java grows at altitudes up to 2700 m above sea level, in the areas of open or half-closed; marshes; on soils with good aeration; in areas where depleted opened; on the banks of the river; extensive secondary forests; burned area; as weeds in fields; parks and estates.

This plant can affect the cultivation of other crops, because of the relatively high sodium requirement.

Multiplication: multiply by itself. Every moment rhizomes are harvested from plants that have matured. Rhizome pale good, taste sweet and cool.

Reeds can menuyebabkan decrease in soil pH. The amount of decrease in pH and obstacles to the process of nitrification showed a positive correlation with the growth of weeds.

Local Name:

LOCAL NAME: Naleueng lakoe (Aceh); Jih (Gayo); Rih, Ri (Batak); Oo (Nias); Alalang, Hilalang,
Ilalang (Minang Kabau); LiOH (Lampung); Halalang, contingent, Padang, interests, Puang, Buhang, Grasshopper, Bolalang (Dayak); Eurih (Sunda); Reed kambengan (Java); Racing, Lalang (Madura); Ambengan, Lalang (BaIi); Kii, Rii (FIores); Padengo, Padanga (Gorontalo); Deya (Bugis); Erer, Muis, Wen (Seram); Weli, Welia, Wed (Ambon). FOREIGN NAME: Cogon grass, satintail (En). Paillotte (Fr). Malaysia: thatch, reed. Papua New Guinea: Kunai (Pidgin), kurukuru (Barakau, Central Province). Philippines: Kogon (Tagalog), gogon (Bikol), bulum (Ifugao). Burma (Myanmar): kyet-mei. Cambodia: SBO ': w. Laos: hnha: z kh'a :. Thailand: ya-kha, laa laeng, koe hee (Karen, Mae Hong Son). Vietnam: c [or] tranh. NAME simplicia Imperatae Rhizoma; reed rhizome

Curable Disease:

Rhizome: skin softener; laxative urine, blood purifier, appetite enhancer, stop bleeding. in addition, it can be used also in an effort to cure venereal diseases (gonorrhea, urinary blood, syphilis), kidney disease, sores, fever, high blood pressure and neurological diseases. All parts of the plant are used as animal feed, paper materials, and for the treatment of ringworm.

BIOLOGICAL EFFECT and PHARMACOLOGY infuse effect reed rhizome as diuretics, on the basis of the increase in the concentration of electrolytes (Na, K, Cl) white male mouse urine. Giving grass roots infusion at a dose of 40, 50, 60, 70 g / kg antipyretic effect in guinea pigs.

Flower infuse reeds at a concentration of 10% at a dose of 12 ml / kg antipyretic effect is relatively the same as paracetamol suspension of 10% on pigeons. Clinical Trial: Dekokta roots of the weeds at a dose of 250-300 g, 2 times morning and afternoon can cure 27 cases of 30 patients with acute nephritis. At chronic nephritis, herbaceous weeds can reduce edema and lowers blood pressure. Dekokta herbs 250 g in a single form or in combination with rhizomes and leaves of Nelumbo nucifera and leaf Agrimonia pilosa can cure epistaxis (nosebleeds), hemoptysis (coughing up blood), hematuria (blood urine), menorrhagia, and upper gastrointestinal bleeding.

In addition, it was reported also that dekokta roots of the weeds can be effective for the treatment of acute viral hepatitis in 28 cases; usually used together with Plantago asiatica, Glechoma longituba and shoots Artemisia capillaris. Toxicity: On the use of the rules, practically non-toxic. Dfinginkan effects: Dizziness, nausea, an increased curiosity defecation, sometimes occur in clinical use. Pharmaceutical Technology: Cellulose leaf weeds have water absorption of relatively good in the manufacture of tablets are printed directly.

Only root (rhizome) is used for treatment


As a laxative urine:

49 pieces of dry rhizome, cut into pieces and then added with 2 cups of water and boiled until the volume of water to 1 cup, filtered, then taken 2 times a day.

Fever due bloody urination:

1 tablespoon full reed rhizome, boiled with a few pieces of pliers kwe (half-ripe fruit flesh beligu made candied dried) in two cups of water until half. The drink 2 cups water 1 day. Urine will be normal and the body temperature down.

Akar Wangi

Akar Wangi

(Vetiveria zizanioides (L,) Nash. Ex, Small)
Synonym :
Andropogon zizanioides Urban. Andropogon squarrosus hackel. Andropogon muricatus Retz.
Poaceae (Gramineae).


Chronic grass, can reach 1 meter. Soft stems, jointed, white. Single leaf, ribbon shape, pointed tip. Midrib hugging the stem, whitish green color. Inflorescence shape of grains at the stem end. Rice fruit, prickly, dirty white. Root root fibers including yellow. Parts used Root and essential oils.

Local Name:

Useur (Gayo); Hapias, Usar (Batak); Babau root (Minangkabau); Root banda (East); Iser, Morwastu (North Sumatra); Usa, usa Urek (Napier); Leaf, Narawastu, Usar (Sunda); Larasetu, Larawastu, Rarawestu (Java). FOREIGN NAME: NAME simplicia Vitiveriae Radix; Vetiver. Oleum Vitiveriae aetheriae; Minvak Roots fragrant.
Curable Disease:
Efficacy diaforetik.
Utilization :


  • Bad breath (mouthwash).
  • Rheumatism (topical).
  • Herbs and dosages
  • Breath / mouth odor
  • Remedy:
  • Vetiver few pieces
  • Betel leaves fresh 2 pieces
  • 1 handful fresh herb Centella asiatica
  • Fruit Cardamom 6 items
  • 110 ml water

Ways of making:

  1. Overcoming Arthritis Rheumatism is one of the many diseases that threaten someone already adulthood. This disease usually results in excessive pain in the bone joints. One type of effective herbal remedy used to treat rheumatism is vetiver. The trick is to rub vetiver to the body that feels pain due to arthritis.
  2. Overcoming Gout and Rheumatic Pegal Just like rheumatism, vetiver also has properties capable of coping with arthritis and stiff effectively. How to use vetiver as rheumatism and stiff drug is rubbed into the body that feels pains.
  3. Eliminate BREATH Plant vetiver also has the benefit of eliminating bad breath are capable of stinging. The trick is to create a concoction that consists of vetiver, betel leaves, gotu kola, and cardamom are then used as a mouthwash. Gargle regularly use these ingredients to bad breath disappear by itself. These habits will make your mouth freshness is maintained.
  4. Treat SwellingvBesides being able to treat wounds, vetiver was able to treat the swelling that occurs on the surface of the skin. The trick is still the same, namely by rubbing vetiver to the swelling.
  5. Preventing and Treating Kidney Stones Potion made from vetiver has efficacy to prevent and treat kidney stones naturally. Consumption of vetiver herb can make the body avoid kidney stones.
  6. Reduce heat Fever Additionally vetiver is also believed to be able to lower the fever heat effectively. Instead of using drugs that contain chemicals and cause side effects, vetiver can be used as an alternative safe medication fever heat.
  7. Eliminate Dandruff and lice Hidden benefits of vetiver is able to eliminate dandruff and lice nesting, put on the hair. The trick is to use vetiver as shampoo. Use regularly so dandruff and lice not to return again.

Senin, 18 Januari 2016

Benefits of plants ajeran


(Bidens pilosa L.)
Synonym :
Bidens sundaica Blume (1826), Bidens leucorrhiza (Lour.) DC. (1836), Bidens pilosa L. var. minor (Blume) Sherff (1925).
Asteraceae (Compositae).

These herbs include wild plants and many found in the street. Sometimes planted in the yard, as an ornamental plant. Terna classified this plant, can reach 150 cm. Rod rectangular, green color. Leaves of threes, each oval, serrated edge. Long-stemmed flowers, crown of white flowers with yellow pistil. Part used whole plant that are above ground (herbs).

Local Name:
LOCAL NAME: ajeran, hareuga (Sunda), network, loaves (Java). FOREIGN NAME: Black jack (En). Sornet (Fr). Malaysia: buttons, pau-pau sand, keroten. Papua New Guinea: IVU na mag (Gunantuna, New Britain), rakot (Kurtatchi, Bougainville). Philippines: dadayem (Ibanag), burburtak (Ilocano), knives (Bisaya). Thailand: Puen noksai, kee nok sai, yaa koncham khaao. Vietnam: d [ow] n bu [OOS] t, t [uwr] t [oo] hoang, q [ur] y tr [aa] m th [ar] o. NAME simplicia Bidentitis pilosae Herba; Herba Ajeran.

Curable Disease:
TYPICAL PROPERTIES Cool, bitter taste, and blood circulation. Antiinflamasi property, antipyretics and antiseptics.

1. Fever.
2. Digestion is not good.
3. arthritis (joint pain).
4. Snivel.
5.Usus deadlocked.

Herbs and dosages

Colds and fever

Herba Ajeran (3 grams)
Babakan Pule (200 mg)
Sembung leaves (3 grams)
Poko leaves (2 g)
Water (130 ml)

Ways of making:
Created infusion or brewed.

How to use:
Taken 2 times a day, morning and evening, every time I drink 100 ml.

Duration of treatment:
Repeated until healed.


Appendicitis should be handled by a doctor. If for any reason, the doctor can not be found, this herb can be used.

Herba Ajeran (5 grams)
Water (120 ml)

Ways of making:
Created infusion or pills.

How to use:
Taken 2 times a day, morning and evening, every time I drink 100 ml, or 3 times a day 9 pills.

Duration of treatment:
Repeated for 20 days.


1. Fever.
2. Digestion is not good.
3. arthritis (joint pain).
4. Snivel.
5. Appendix.
6. Hemorrhoids

Herbs and dosages

Colds and fever

Herba Ajeran (3 grams)
Babakan Pule (200 mg)
Sembung leaves (3 grams)
Poko leaves (2 g)
Water (130 ml)

Ways of making:
Created infusion or brewed.

How to use:
Taken 2 times a day, morning and evening, every time I drink 100 ml.

Duration of treatment:
Repeated until healed.


Appendicitis should be handled by a doctor. If for any reason, the doctor can not be found, this herb can be used.

Herba Ajeran (5 grams)
Water (120 ml)

Ways of making:
Created infusion or pills.

How to use:
Taken 2 times a day, morning and evening, every time I drink 100 ml, or 3 times a day 9 pills.

Duration of treatment:
Repeated for 20 days.

Fever or fever

Take a handful of fresh leaves ajeran or approximately 5 grams, add sembung and ginger to taste. Mix
all ingredients and boiled with 500 ml of water (half a liter). After boiling, let cool, then strain. In warm or cold, filtered water may be used for beverages fever reliever.

Take ajeran dried leaves around one cell, mixed with ginger or cloves to taste about five. Boil all ingredients in two cups of water. After boiling, strain and let cool before drinking.


Take about a handful of leaves of fresh anjeran or approximately 5 grams of medium size. Wash and clean the water before it is boiled in one glass. After boiling, let cool. Once completely cool, you can utilize the ajeran leaf decoction to wash the eyes. We recommend using a special tool (glass eyewash) which can be purchased at pharmacies to be more clean and efficient.

As well as tea, anjeran leaves can be used as a refreshment. Way, take leaves of fresh ajeran approximately 10 grams. After being washed and cleaned, boiled in two cups of water. After cooking, chill.

Chemical content

The main antioxidant compounds: quercetin 3-0-rabinobioside; quercetin 3-O-rutinoside; chlorogenic acid; 3,4-di-0-caffeoylquinic acid; 3,5-di-0-caffeoylquinic acid; 4,5-di-0-caffeoylquinic acid. Other compounds, heptanyl 2-0-beta-xylofuranosyl- (l → 6) -beta-glucopyranoside, jacein, and centaurein. The research also mentions that the content of phenolic compounds quercetin 3-Orabinobiosid. Its roots contain compounds quercetin 3,3'-dimethyl ether, which is 7-0-ad-rhamnopyranosyl- (l → 6) -SS-d-glucopyranoside and 7-O-ß-D-glucopyranoside. Ajeran also contain two poliasetilenik compounds identified in butanol fraction. Compounds that play a role in preventing the onset of diabetes.

Adem Ati plant benefits for health

Adem Ati

(Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.D. Robins.)
Synonym :
Litsea chinensis Lamk. Litsea littoralis (L.) Vill.


A tree can reach 10 meters high. Woody stems and branches. Single leaf, elliptical shape, the color green, and downy. Inflorescence panicle shape, yellowish-white petals. Round fruit, young fruit is green, after the old black. Taproot light brown color. Parts used The roots, bark and leaves.

Local Name:

Local Name: Huru stone, Huru beusai, Huru tangkalak, Madang cotton (Sd); Adem ati, Kapu armpit, Nyampu wingka, Wuru shard (Java). Foreign names: Crude Litseae glutinosae Radix; Litseae glutinosae Cortex; Adem Ati bark. Litseae glictinosae Folium.

Curable Disease :

Typical properties of sweet, bitter, and cool. Efficacy of Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and hemostatic.

Usefulness in Society


  1. Diarrhoea.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Inflammatory bowel disease.
  4. Purulent inflammation of the skin (topical).

Bark and leaves (topical):

  1. Boils;
  2. Bleeding wounds;
  3. Sedative;
  4. Purulent inflammation of the skin;
  5. Inflammation of the breast;

Herbs and dosages


  1. Adem Ati Root: 5 grams
  2. Fresh leaves Greeting: 4 pieces
  3. Water: 140 ml

Ways of making:

  • Made infusion.
  • How to use:
  • Taken 2 times a day, morning and evening, every drink 100 ml.

Diarrhea, Inflammatory Bowel Remedy:

  1. Akar Adem Ati 6 grams
  2. 6 grams of fresh turmeric rhizome
  3. 110 ml water

Ways of making:

  • Created infusion or brewed.
  • How to use:
  • Drink 1 a day 100 ml.

Duration of treatment:
Repeated for 3 days (Diarrhoea), 14 days (gastroenteritis). If no symptoms are encouraged to see a doctor healing.

Skin inflammation, inflammation of the breast, wounds, and ulcers Remedy:

  • Bark / Adem Ati fresh leaves to taste
  • Sambilato leaves to taste
  • Enough water

Ways of making:

  • Crushed to form a paste.
  • How to use:
  • Flatten the paste on the skin of the sick. Before dibaluri with the pasta, should be cleaned with warm water first.

Sabtu, 16 Januari 2016

What does cholesterol do in the body

What does cholesterol do

What does cholesterol do to your body Cholesterol is a substance whose function is essential for. Actually, this substance is a fatty substance known as a lipid. The main producers of these substances is breathtaking, but lipid can also come from food. Lipid levels are too high, called hyperlipidemia, can affect health conditions.

Although high cholesterol does not cause any symptoms, but can still be dangerous to health.
Proteins contain and bring in cholesterol in the blood. The combination of these two substances called lipoproteins. Liporotein divided into two, namely the protective lipoprotein or good cholesterol (HDL) and lipoprotein dangerous or bad cholesterol (LDL).

HDL or high density lipoproteins called good cholesterol because HDL transports cholesterol from the cells and back to the liver. In the liver, cholesterol will be destroyed or removed by the what does cholesterol do to your body  through feces.

While LDL or low density lipoprotein is the opposite of HDL. LDL transports cholesterol from the liver to the cells that need it. If the number exceeds the required cholesterol, cholesterol then it will settle on the walls of arteries and cause disease. LDL is known as bad cholesterol.
Cholesterol levels in the blood suggested could vary, depending on whether the person has a higher risk or lower for diseased arteries. The amount of cholesterol in the blood can be measured by a blood test.

According to WHO data, approximately 35% of the Indonesian population have higher cholesterol than normal.

What does cholesterol do in the body

Cholesterol can be deposited on the walls of the arteries,
what does cholesterol do to the heart , what does cholesterol do for the brain, and other body parts can be inhibited. So high cholesterol increases the person's risk of narrowing of the arteries, or atherosclerosis, blood clots in certain parts of the body, stroke, both small and great, and what does cholesterol do to the heart attacks.
High cholesterol levels can also cause pain in the front part of the chest or the arm (angina) when someone is stressed or perform physical activities. Besides high cholesterol also increases a person's risk of coronary what does cholesterol do to the heart disease.

If you do not change your diet and do not stop smoking, high cholesterol patients will be at risk of stroke or what does cholesterol do to the heart disease. On cigarettes found a chemical called acrolein. These substances can stop the activity of good cholesterol or HDL to transport fat to the liver. The result can occur narrowing of the arteries or atherosclerosis.

In addition, patients risk also increases if he is suffering from hypertension, diabetes, or have relatives who suffer from what does cholesterol do to the heart disease or stroke.

High cholesterol can also be caused by a condition that comes from the descendants known as familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH). Cholesterol sufferers of this condition of high despite eating healthy foods.

The dangers what does cholesterol do cholesterol High cholesterol can lead to:

  1. Atherosclerosis - a narrowing or hardening of the arteries.
  2. The risk of coronary heart disease is higher - abnormalities of blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen charge to the heart
  3. Heart attack - occurs when the blood supply and oxygen to an area of ​​heart muscle is blocked, usually by a clot in a coronary artery. This causes the heart muscle stops.
  4. Angina - chest pain or discomfort that occurs when what does cholesterol do to the heart muscle does not get enough blood.
  5. Stroke and mini-stroke - occurs when blood clots or venous diarteri, thereby disrupting the flow of blood to the what does cholesterol do for the brain  area. Can also occur burst blood vessels, so that brain cells begin to die.
If high blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, the risk of coronary heart disease also increased significantly.

Should do the examination cholesterol levels

Someone suggested checks cholesterol levels in the blood if she is overweight, have high blood pressure, diabetes diseased, or have other illnesses that may increase cholesterol levels.
Diagnosis cholesterol levels is also recommended if a person has close relatives who suffer from diseases caused by cholesterol, or a close relative with a history of cardiovascular disease at an early age.

For those who have ever been diagnosed to have coronary heart disease, minor stroke, or peripheral arterial disease will also be advised to do these checks.

How to prevent or reduce levels of cholesterol.

To prevent what does cholesterol do to body

  1. Nutritionally balanced eating healthy foods is a major step that can be done to prevent or reduce cholesterol. The fat content in the diet should be low. Try to replace the consumption of foods containing saturated fats with fruits and vegetables, and whole grains (cereal grain).
  2. By doing so, the cholesterol levels in the body will remain low.
  3. Healthy lifestyle can also give a big change. An example is by not smoking or immediately begin to exercise regularly.

If the suggestions above have not been able to lower your cholesterol levels and risk of heart disease still lurk, you should consult a doctor. Doctors usually will give you a prescription treatment with cholesterol-lowering drugs such as statins.

Herbs Fennel ( Foeniculum vulgare Mill )

Herb, Adas
(Foeniculum vulgare Mill.)
Synonym :
= E officinale, All. = Anethum Foeniculum, Linn.
Apiaccae (Umbelliferae)


Fennel is one of the herbs that are considered sernbilan berrnukjizat in Anglo-Saxon. In Indonesia has grown and sometimes as tanarnan spices or medicinal plants.
This Turnbuhan can live from lowlands to an altitude of 1,800 m above sea level, but it will grow better on the plateau. Originally from Southern Europe and Asia, and because of the benefits then grown in Indonesia, India, Argentina, Europe, and Japan. Terna long-lived, height 50 cm - 2 m, growing merumpun.

One family usually consists of 3-5 rod. Bluish green stems, grooved, segmented, perforated, fragrant smell when bruised. Layout leaves alternate, compound pinnate with a double two fins narrow, needle shape, tip and base tapering, flat edge, berseludang white, membranous sheath with a top hat shaped. Structured as an umbrella inflorescence flower compound with 6-40 peduncle, mother peduncle length 5-1 0 em, Panj 'ang peduncle 2-5 mm, yellow crown, out of the rod tip. Fruit oval, ribbed, length of 6-10 mm, a width of 3-4 mm, green when young dark green or chocolate brown rather slightly yellow until completely brown.

However, the color of the fruit varies depending on the country of origin. Ripe fruit has a distinctive aromatic odor, taste it feels when relative like camphor. Fennel produces fennel oil, which is refined powder basil fennel fruit ripe and dry. There are two kinds of oils of fennel, sweet and bitter. Both are used in the pharmaceutical industry. Fennel is also used for seasoning, or used as ingredients that improve the taste (corrigentia saporis) and the scent of medicinal herbs. Normally fennel is used together with bark pulosari. The leaves can be eaten as a vegetable. Propagation by seed or by separating the children plant.

Local Name:

Hades (Sunda), anise, fennel Londa, fennel Landi (Java) ,; Adhas (Madura), fennel (Bali), wala Wunga (Sumba) .; Das spicy (Aceh), anise, fennel (Malay) .; Adeh, manih (Minangkabau). paapang, paampas (Manado) .; Popoas (Alfuru), denggu-denggu (Gorontalo); Papaato (Buol), porotomo (Baree). kumpasi (Sangir Talaud) .; Adasa, rempasu (Makassar), adase (Bugis) .; Hsiao Hui (China), phong Karee, Mellet Karee (Thailand) ,; Jintan Manis (Malaysia). barisaunf, madhurika (Ind. / Mr.) .; Fennel, commaon fennel, sweet fennel, Fenkel, Spiegel (I) .;

Curable Disease:

Abdominal pain (heartburn), flatulence, nausea, vomiting, breast milk a little ,; Diarrhea, jaundice (jaundice), lack of appetite, coughing ,; Shortness of breath (asthma), painful menstruation, menstrual not tertur, arthritic goat ,; Difficulty sleeping (insomnia), the testicles descend (orchidoptosis), colic ,; Gut down to the groin (inguinal hernia), gallstones ,; Swelling of the sperm duct (epididymis) ,; Accumulation of fluid in the scrotal sac (hiodrokel testes) ,; Herbs or mushroom poisoning, improve eyesight;

Utilization :
Ripe fruit (Xiao Hui Xiang, Hui-hsiung). Ripe fruit that has been collected, then dried in the sun to dry.
Fruit useful to address:
  • Abdominal pain (heartburn), flatulence, stomach fullness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
  • Jaundice (jaundice), loss of appetite,Cough with phlegm, shortness of breath (asthma),
  • Menstruation: menstrual pain, irregular menstruation,
  • Milk (ASI) bit,
  • White eggs in the urine (proteinuria),
  • Difficulty sleeping (insomnia),
  • The testicles descend (orchidoptosis),
  • Gut down to the groin (inguinal hernia),
  • Swelling of the sperm duct (epididymis),
  • Accumulation of fluid in the scrotal sac (hydrocele testis),
  • Reduce the pain of the stone and help destroy it,
  • Rheumatic gout, and
  • Herbs or mushroom poisoning.
  • Leaves efficacious overcome:
  • cough,
  • Flatulence, koilk,
  • Thirst, and
  • Improve eyesight.

Fennel fruit as much as 3-9 g boiled, drink or fruit fennel finely ground, and brewed with boiling water to drink while warm. The leaves are eaten as vegetables or boiled and then drunk.
External use only, finely ground dried fruit and then used for local use on canker sores, toothache, earache and injuries.
Fennel oil can also be used to rub the child's body into the wind.


  1. Cough a. Prepare the fennel fruit powder as much as 5 g disedub with 1/2 cup boiling water. After chilling filtered, add 1 teaspoon of honey. Stir until evenly, drink once. Apply 2 times a day until healed. b. Prepare handheld 1/4 sage leaves, hibiscus flower 2 florets, Mentha arvensis handheld 1/5, 10 tembelekan flower petals, red onion 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon fennel, pulosari 1 fingers, one finger rhizome of ginger, brown sugar 3 fingers, washed and cut into pieces as needed. Boil 3 cups water until the remaining half. After chilling filtered, then drink. Do it three times a day, each 1/2 cup.
  2. Shortness of breath a. Take as many as 10 drops of fennel oil brewed with 1 tablespoon hot water. Drink while warm. Do it three times a day until healed. b. Prepare 1/2 teaspoon fennel, pulosari ¼ finger, rirnpang kencur 2 fingers, one finger rirnpang ginger, cumin 114 teaspoons, leaves poncosudo (Jasminum pubescens) 1/4 handheld, brown sugar 3 fingers, washed and cut into pieces as needed , Baban-material was then boiled with 4 1/2 cups water until the remaining approximately half. After chilling filtered, and ready to drink. 3 times a day, each 3/4 cup.
  3. Prepare Sprue 3/4 teaspoon fennel, coriander 3/4 teaspoon, 1/5 slobber leaves handheld, handheld sage leaves 1/4, 1/5 dragon scales handheld, handheld sembung 1/4, 1/4 pegagan handheld, handheld leaf fart 1/6, 3/4 pulosari finger, rhizome of Zingiber fragrant 1/2 finger, finger turmeric ½, ¾ finger cinnamon, brown sugar 3 fingers, washed and cut into pieces as needed. The material was then boiled with 4 1/2 cups water until the remaining half. After chilling filtered, ready to drink. 3 times a day, whenever reasonably 3/4 cup.
  4. Irregular menstruation Prepare the leaves and flowers srigading each masing.1 / 5 handheld, black cumin 3/4 teaspoon, 1/2 teaspoon fennel, pulosari 1/2 finger, rivet crimson flowers 2 buds, lemon 2 pieces , sugar cubes of chicken eggs, washed and cut into pieces as needed. The material was then boiled in 3 cups water until the remaining 2 1/4 cups. After chilling filtered, minurn 3 times a day, each 3/4 cup. Herbs or mushroom poisoning Prepare the fennel fruit powders as much as 5 g, and brewed with half a cup of wine. Drink while warm.
  5. Gallstones fennel fruit powder as much as 5 g brewed with 1 cup hot water.

Composition :

CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological Fruit: ripe fruit contains an aromatic smell, taste slightly sweet, spicy, warm, go meridian liver, kidney, spleen, and stomach.
Leaves: smelling aromatic oils of fruit: oil of fennel (fennel oil).

CONTENT CHEMICAL: Fennel contains essential oils (Oleum Foeniculi) 1-6%, containing 50-60% anetol, approximately 20% fenkon, pinene, limonene, dipenten, felandren, metilchavikol, anisaldehid, acid anisat, and 12% fat oil. Anetol womb that causes fennel issued a distinctive aroma and potent carminative. Roots contain bergapten. Roots and seeds contain stigmasterin (serposterin).

Pharmacological effects and Results:

  1. The most active compounds, anisaldehyde, increases the efficacy of streptomycin for the treatment of tuberculosis in mice.
  2. Improve gastrointestinal peristalsis and stimulate spending fart (flatus).
  3. Eliminate cold and phlegm.
  4. Fennel oil containing anetol, fenkon, chavicol, and anisaldehid efficacious soothing digestive tract and work resembles appetite stimulant.
  5. From the research on adult human, diternukan that fennel has the effect of destroying kidney stones.
  6. In animal experiments, extracts of fennel leaf decoction can lower blood pressure. However, other ways of processing do not show these properties.