Kamis, 11 Februari 2016

Red ginger for health benefits

Who is not familiar with ginger? Ginger is one plant in the form of rhizomes that grow in the soil. There are many types of ginger one that is red ginger. The benefits of red ginger is very much especially for health and beauty of the body.

Red ginger which has the Latin name Zingiber officinale var rubrum is one type of ginger which implies very strong. Red Ginger has a smaller size than the other ginger but most properties. The content of the most numerous in the red ginger is oil asirin and other content.

Red ginger for health benefits so much from start to cure mild to prevent a dangerous disease. Here are some benefits that can be extracted from red ginger.

1. Overcoming rheumatism

In red ginger are compounds that can relieve pain and reduce swelling on his own. Rheumatism or
gout disease can be cured by using ginger merah.Cara very easy to use, boil some red ginger rhizome with buffoonery, cat whiskers, chili Java, and komfrey leaves, then boiled water taken twice a day.

2. Cure cough

The benefits of red ginger to cough is not only a relief but also cures. In addition to addressing cough, red ginger can also be overcome strep throat. The nature of the warm red ginger is what can help cure a cough and sore throat.

3. Lowering cholesterol levels in the blood

The content of the red ginger is very much useful to get rid of toxins in the body, one of which is the bad cholesterol in the blood. Bad cholesterol in the blood will impede blood flow. One of the benefits of red ginger is blood circulation and indirectly of bad cholesterol in the body will be destroyed.

4. Eliminate Acne

Not only health, red ginger is also very helpful for beauty. One of the benefits of red ginger to the beauty that can eliminate acne. To get rid of acne using red ginger is very easy. Ginger is already cleaned massage on face until the discharge of oil and then close all the face with red ginger slices.

5. Relieves headache

To relieve headaches with red ginger is very easy. Brewed red grapefruit with warm water or suction red ginger aroma that had been cut.

6. Helping diet

Other benefits of red ginger that can help your diet. The benefits of red ginger to this diet you can get by way of a red ginger drink water regularly. Red ginger can help to burn fat in the stomach and reduces appetite.

Ginger is very much beneficial, but should be considered for patients with acute gastritis red ginger should not be consumed too much. The content of the red ginger is very strong and can cause stomach burning.

So, for those of you who suffer from heartburn, do not drink water red ginger or consume too much. Therefore, instead of the benefits of red ginger would you be but even more severe pain.